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7 Personality Traits That All Writers Should Have!

Being a writer is not for everyone. This is because writing can be quite difficult and it can take a lot of work. This is especially true if you are publishing a book of your very own. Publishing a book will test not only your skill as a writer, but your personality as well. So before you even think of becoming an author, you should identify the personality traits that make a true writer. That way, once you do identify them, you will be able to cultivate them. Here are 7 personality traits that all writers should have.

  1. Discipline

Being a writer is not all about being just creative. There are many cases where would be writers get inspired to write, only to lose interest in the process a few days later. This is because the long hours of work and tedious editing work can be quite taxing. And in the end, these would be writers inevitably quit on the writing process.

Which is why before you get started on your writing journey, it is important to develop a more disciplined mindset. That way, should you be faced with the hardships and tedious work related with writing, you will be able to overcome them. So it always pays to remember that creativity and writing skill is not the only characteristics of a writer. Discipline is just as important and it will help you reach your full writing potential.

  1. Cultivate a childlike sense of wonder

Growing up can make most people jaded and eventually lose enthusiasm for a lot of things. Writers are of course not exempted from this occurrence.  Which is sad, because being a writer, also entails you to have a child like sense of wonder. Having a childlike sense of wonder will allow you to make a story out of the most mundane situations.

A writer with a childlike sense of wonder looks at the world in a different way. What most people see as commonplace and boring, the writer will perceive it in a totally different way. So if you want to truly develop into a great writer, you should look at the world as a child would. Full of wonder and hope.

  1. Be Courageous

If there is one thing you should know about being a writer, it is that it is very unpredictable. There is really no guarantee that you will succeed despite your best efforts. This is why some writers quit the writing process. They are afraid of failure. They are afraid of not reaching their goals and coming out looking like a failure.

But if you want to reach your true potential as a writer, you can’t let fear of failure stop you. Like any worthy undertaking you have to take risks to get results. So be courageous. Take chances and just put in the work. And if all goes well, then good for you. You can now look on your work with pride. If not, then you can learn from your mistakes and try again. The courage to try something new and unknown is a must if you want to achieve great things in life.

  1. Be business minded

Although some people seldom equates business with writing, they actually go hand in hand. This is because, as much as some writers hate to admit it writing is a business. Many authors have gained financial prosperity because they are not only great writers but also canny business people.

So if you want to succeed as a writer, enhance your business skills. Find a way to successfully market your book and enhance your reputation as a writer. Just think of it this way. The more books you sell, the longer and more successful your writing career will be.

  1. Be optimistic

As it was stated earlier, the publishing process is full of uncertainty. And it will continue to plague you throughout the entire writing process. Which is why it is very important that you stay optimistic throughout the entire process. An optimistic spirit will act as a bulwark against any set back that may come your way. It is also allows you to look at the bright side should anything bad or unexpected happen.

There is really no blueprint on how to be an author or a set path on how to succeed as a writer. But by continuing to have an optimistic outlook on the publishing process, you can always find the silver lining in any situation. All in all, this will increase your chances of success by a great degree.

  1. Be meticulous

Yet another personality trait that most writers should have is being meticulous. This is especially true if you are publishing a book.  This is because the publishing process can be quite work intensive and there will be a lot of details that will require your attention.

From the writing process, printing process to the book marketing process, you will be expected to play a big part. And if you are not good with keeping track of your work, you will most likely mess up a lot of things.

Which is why it is very important that you develop a meticulous personality. A meticulous personality will allow you to keep track of your work in a neat and orderly manner. This will also allow you to work in a more effective and efficient manner.

  1. Be tenacious

Being a writer can be quite a grueling profession. Whether you are writing a book or just trying to write content for your blog at a consistent rate, there will be times that your willpower is tested. This is why you will need to develop a more tenacious personality.

Every writer should expect to face a mountain of challenges before they achieve any form of success. That’s just how the writing profession goes. What’s important is that you know how to handle any problem that comes your way, and keep going.

Having a tenacious personality will allow you to power through any challenge that gets in your way. A tenacious spirit is what will help you truly develop your skills as a writer and make a name for yourself.