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How to Be a Bestseller with BookVenture

How to Be a Bestseller with Bookventure

Anyone can write a book but not everyone can write a bestseller. You may think you’ve created a literary masterpiece but the verdict still lies on your readers’ opinions. In reality, your story could be considerably great but it may also just be in the lineup of the many other “greats”. Now, this fact isn’t meant to discourage you. In fact, it’s there to motivate you to create a story that surpasses your personal standard and perhaps succeed in a more ambitious level. Why don’t you aim for a bestseller title?

The best way to achieve a Bestseller title is by hiring the marketing services of a self-publishing company. Getting professional help will make the process easier and success is more guaranteed. BookVenture, for one, offers a wide array of marketing services that can boost your book’s popularity and appeal to the target market. BookVenture taps into all media outlets to market your book and they also provide the materials you’ll need in your marketing campaign.

Aside from getting professional help, you can also exert a personal effort while writing your book. To get started, here are some tips on how to make your book stand out from the rest.

  1. Read your Readers. Obviously, if you’re targeting the bestseller title, you’d have to focus on who you’re selling your book to. Find out what your target market is drawn to. Read their minds as much as you can. Learn what type of scenes they’d like to read in a story. Look for the common favorite elements. Try to survey people about specific things they enjoy from a book. Put yourself in your reader’s shoes as you create your story. The more you understand your audience the more you’ll discover how to make them interested.
  2. Write Freely. Never hold back when you’re writing. Write down all your thoughts and let your imagination run free. Always give it your all from the first chapter to the very last page. Pour all your emotions into it and your readers will definitely feel the sincerity in each sentence.
  3. Be Original. Do your research beforehand and see if there are already existing books similar to yours. Try avoiding the cliché as much as possible and making an effort to present something new and fresh to your audience. It doesn’t hurt to spend a few hours browsing through the library shelves to double check if your plot has already been overused.
  4. Market Ahead. Start developing your marketing campaign from the time you start writing your book. Come out with a plan to entice your readers. One strategy is to presell your book on online stores like Amazon months ahead before it comes out.
  5. Work with Bloggers. Send out copies to bloggers in advance. Those who have a large audience can easily endorse your book and add in publicity way before it becomes available on the market. An honest review in exchange for a free copy is an effective strategy to draw in the market.

Lastly, learn more about other marketing methods you can try to further sell your book. It’s all about using the right campaign to grab the audience’ attention and finding out how to make them interested in your story. BookVenture can assist you in creating you marketing campaign. Learn more about their offered packages through their website