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How To Be On The Bestseller’s List? The Bestseller Code Will Show You How!

Getting into the best sellers list is a dream for most writers. And why not? Being in the best sellers list is like a testament to your success as an author. It is also a way for you to cement yourself as top author and help you sell even more books. Technically the best sellers list is like the Holy Grail for most authors. It promises great rewards but also requires you to traverse uncharted territory.

This is because the path to the best sellers list is an uncertain one. It is a path that holds no promise of success, and only a chosen few have ever succeeded. This is of course the common perception that most writers have on the best sellers list. That it is unattainable and some even consider it futile to even try. But what if you are given the key to getting into the Best Sellers list? What if your dreams of Bestsellers status can become a reality?

According to authors Jodie Archer and Matthew Jockers, there is a way that you can circumvent the sheer uncertainty of the Bestseller’s List. That you can assess how your book will do in the best seller’s list by following a highly efficient computer model. With their book The Bestseller Code, authors Jodie Archer and Matthew Jockers gives aspiring authors a chance to calculate their chances of success and getting into the best sellers lists.

But how accurate is it really? Will their methods really get you the success you crave? According to Archer and Jockers, they do not really guarantee that they can pick a winner every time, but with their method authors are now provided with a semi-accurate way to assess their chances of getting into the best sellers list.

The data for the book was collected from The New York Times Bestseller list. This is because the New York Times Bestseller list is considered one of the most comprehensive measure of book sales in the US. The book also aims to answer common bestsellers questions such as, what attributes does a book need to get into the best seller’s list? What hook usually captures readers attentions? Do I need to do something drastic to get my books sold?

The book shows how pacing and character creation is an integral part of writing a bestselling novel. The book also shows unexpected findings that could make or break a book’s chances of getting in the best sellers lists. Such as the gender and occupation of the author being a contributing factor to a book’s chances of success.

The book gives a truly comprehensive look into the many factors that affect a book’s chances of getting in the best sellers list. The Bestseller Code is an innovative and comprehensive tome that will cater to various readers. From data enthusiasts to writers who want to supplement their skills and chances of success, The Bestseller Code is definitely a must read.