BookVenture Blog

How Blogging Can Help Authors Succeed

“What is the most effective way to market my book?”

This is one common question any self-published author seeks answer to. Just look around and you will find the answer. Everyone is adept to using technological advancements. And the latest clique? The internet.

So, how are you going to maximize the use of the internet for book promotion? Easy. Get along with what’s ‘in’ – seek refuge in social networking sites.

But there are a lot of them in the World Wide Web. Know which sites are on top of the list and rest assured, you will see blogging on top of everything for writers.

Why is blogging hailed the most effective way to market your book? Simple. Take note of the following points:

SEO Friendly

The highlight of blogging is that people can find you even if they do not know you nor know that you wrote that book. You just post something on your blog – perhaps a chapter or a teaser or an overview of your book – then somebody Googles it and viola, your work appears on their monitor.

PR and Media Connections

It provides a venue for authors to meet some great journalists, reporters, entrepreneurs, and other influential people in the industry who have the power to help aspiring authors to fare better in the writing and publishing industry.

Builds Credibility and Authority

With the content and your style of writing, you can build and gain the people’s trust online thereby turning your active followers to avid fans.

Allows Immediate Interaction

Blogs annihilate the wall between you and your readers by encouraging interaction, comments and feedback. Through blogs, you create a conversation; you inch closer to your market. Furthermore, you don’t have to wait for years before reading the comments of your readers as feedbacks come in right away after they read what you post.

Gain Influence

As you write your blog entries everyday, you improve your skill in writing and later on, you build and gain credibility. This then results to your readers believing and trusting in what you post. Therefore, you gain influence and have a say in almost everything you choose to post or say something about.

Create Networks

Valuable and interesting blog posts attract readers who will then comment on your site and send you personal messages through your contact page. Though many of them may be asking for help, some are out to help you.

As the world embraces and clings to soil media, so shall authors. The only way not to be left behind is to get along. Keep yourself updated with what’s in and what’s in-demand. Be a blogger and see for yourself.