BookVenture Blog

BookVenture Ushers in the New Year with Great Publishing and Marketing Packages

The New Year is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. It is a time where anyone can look forward to the future, with a clean slate and a light heart. In many ways this is a perfect time for writers to start on their book publishing dreams.

Which is why BookVenture has set out on creating great promos that will help authors in the book publishing journey. With the new New Chapters and Novel Ideas promos, authors will now find the book publishing process so much easier.

The New Chapters promo will give authors the best book publishing deals ever. With this promo you will enjoy a price drop for each publishing package and the chance to save as much as $3509. You can also avail of a 30% discount on more than one publishing package. You can also choose from  premium publishing packages from Ensign to Admiral (BW) and from Ensign to Voyager (FC). The promo will only last from January 1 to January 15, 2018, so interested authors better sign up fast.

With the Novel Ideas promo authors can now take advantage of these great book marketing deals. You can enjoy a price drop for each marketing service and the chance to save as much as $1249. You can also  avail of a 25% discount on more than one publicity service. You can also choose from a list of selected services and avail as many of them at a discounted rate. You will also be given the opportunity to plan your marketing campaign and combine all marketing services to create a truly comprehensive marketing campaign plan. But you should take advantage of the Novel Ideas promo fast because it will only last from January 1 to January 31, 2018.

With these great promos, authors will now have the chance to start their year right and achieve their publishing dreams.