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Tips to Increase Your Creativity and Productivity in Writing

Have you ever wondered what your brain is like while you are writing? What goes on the inside of your brain while you are thinking up something to write?  What prompts you to be creative and think up new stories? In truth, there are scientific facts that show how your brain functions while you are writing. Although in truth it is not only limited to just writing, but to any other form of activity that requires concentration. This includes other activities such as drawing, singing or painting.

This is supported by a neuroscience research group from the University of Greifswald in Germany. The study was headed by Dr. Martin Lotze and involves the use of MRI scanners to track the brain activity of their test subjects. Which involves novice and experienced writers. They were asked to write fiction and after a good number of tests, the research found that writing is very much like other activities that require concentration. It takes getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, you will soon have a greater proficiency in the skill.

In many ways, this study backs up the saying practice makes perfect. From a writing standpoint, this is very welcome news. It shows that through hard work you can become a truly proficient writer. But in order to become truly skillful and fully harness your creativity and productivity in writing, you need to develop habits that will hone your potential as a writer.

Here are some great tips on how to increase your creativity and productivity in writing.

Photo by Alice Eyman

Learn to think outside the box Although it is good that you constantly practice your writing and have a great work ethic. It is also important that you learn how to think outside the box. This means that you do not restrict yourself to social norms that will limit your growth as a writer. Be open to new and exciting ideas. It is only by having new experiences will you be able to grow as a writer.

Be consistent As it was stated earlier, constant practice makes perfect and will hone your writing skills to a sharp point. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Your schedule should be easy for you to follow. Be consistent in following your schedule and always make time for your writing. You can also impose a word count on yourself so that your writing skills will not dull.

Try out new things As a writer one of the most important qualifications to writing is the inspiration. This is because inspiration is like fuel for your writing. This is why it is important that you try out new things. Trying out new things will give you a whole new perspective on the world and will help you gain inspiration to write and create new books.

Read, Read and Read some more You can increase your creativity and productivity as a writer by reading books. As a writer, it is a necessity that you love to read. Reading new books bolsters your writing skills and helps you to develop your writing style. If you really want to improve as a writer you should be a ravenous reader. Read every book that you can get your hands on. The more books that you read, the more creative you will be.

Be passionate about your work Being passionate is arguably the most important trait you can have as a writer. This is because without passion there is really no point in doing anything. You should love what you are doing and be willing to sacrifice for it. If you truly have passion, no amount of work or obstacles will be able to stop you.

Have a balanced state of mind It is important to maintain a balanced state of mind when you are writing. Having a balanced state of mind you are able to concentrate better and take things easy. It does not pay to be stressed out during the process because you will not be able to give your full 100% percent to the writing process.  Try meditation and Tai Chi exercises to clear your mind of unnecessary worries.