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Highly Effective Self-publishing Tips For Children’s Book Writers!

Self-publishing a book is a new concept for some writers. Many consider traditional publishing to be the only legitimate type of book publishing and totally disregard other options. Which is in truth a mistake. This is because self-publishing has evolved through the years, and technological advances in book publishing such as the print on demand services has made self-publishing a more viable option. But as effective as it may be, there are still some potential setbacks that may come your way. This is especially true for Children’s book writers who need to get children’s and their parent’s attentions with well-made illustrations and eye-opening stories. Which is why you should have a foolproof strategy during the self-publishing process. Here are some highly effective tips for Children’s book writers.

The self-publishing process can be an immersive and enriching experience, but it can get very lonely in the long run. Which is why you should make it a group activity. Ask for help from your family and friends. Their help will not only provide you with great support but can also make the process so much more enjoyable. They can help proofread your manuscript and give their honest opinions on your work. You can also reach out to fellow authors and help one another throughout the self-publishing process.

One thing that you should know about the book publishing process is that is should never be rushed. Because the more you rush the process, the more liable you will be to make mistakes. This is especially true if you are publishing a children’s book. Because you will have to do most of the work yourself, and you will have to pay for the entire process. So before you think of self-publishing a book, you should make sure that you are mentally, emotionally and financially ready. And if you’re not yet ready, then hold off until you are. There’s no rush.

When it comes to editing your manuscript, you will have to hire professionals if you want your book to be up to professional standards. But you should also be picky when it comes to hiring professional help. This is because, unlike traditional publishing houses that have a roster of professionals at their beck and call, you won’t have that luxury. Instead you will have to wade through a multitude of so called professionals before you find the best fit for you. It can get difficult because freelance book editors, designers, copywriters, illustrators and other professionals have varying prices and levels of competency and if you are not careful you could get stuck with a less than competent staff of people that may ruin your chances of success. So before you go out and hire professional help, do a background check on them and make sure they are worth the money they are asking for.

As advantageous self-publishing can be for most writers, there are also some glaring disadvantages that you will have to address. One being how difficult it is to market and sell your books. This is because unlike traditional publishing wherein every aspect of the book marketing is taken care of, with self-publishing you will have to do all the marketing yourself. You will have to reach out to fans, create a buzz about your children’s book and also find a way to get it into bookstores. What makes this difficult is that most bookstores tend avoid self-published books, because they are deemed too risky to sell. Which is why as a self-published writer you will have to find other ways to market, sell and distribute your books. Luckily there are great alternative ways that you can market, sell and distribute your book efficiently without having to spend a fortune. One great option is to join a self-publishing company. Self-publishing companies such as BookVenture has a cavalcade of great publishing services along with great marketing services that will efficiently help sell your book. Your book will also be added to the BookVenture online bookstore. This inclusion will make your book a lot more discoverable and easier to distribute to readers.

One thing you should know about self-publishing is that you have to do practically everything yourself. You will also have to pay for everything yourself. And seeing as traditional marketing techniques are very expensive this means that you will have to find alternative ways to market your book. Luckily there are various forms of media that don’t require you to pay a fortune just to market your children’s book.

One of the best options would be to create your very own author blog. An author blog is an online author platform from which you can run your book marketing campaign. The best thing about having your very own author blog is the fact that it is very cost effective. In truth there are even blog sites that are free of charge and are quite easy to use.

Blog sites are also quite popular in this day and age. And because of this a lot of people are interested in blog sites, so there is not really any problem in making your book as discoverable as possible. And seeing as you are marketing a children’s book you should make sure to make it as attractive as possible. It is also advisable that you post excerpts of your book and other examples of your work through your author blog.  That way you can gather a fan base long before you even release your book.

When it comes to marketing your children’s book, it is important that you market to the parents and not the children. Although it is important that the kids like your work, you will still have to get your foot in the door. That’s why you have to market your book specifically to the parents first. Market your book in a way that will convince them that your book will beneficial to their children. Remember that it will be the parents who decide what kind of book they want their kids to read, so make sure that your book is child friendly and educational.

Although the self-publishing process can be very hectic and time consuming, it is still a great opportunity. It is a way for you to show the world what you can do as a writer. This is especially true for newbie writers because everything is a new experience and should be learned from. Thus it is always important that you remember one thing throughout the entire self-publishing process. You should remember to enjoy every aspect of it. The struggles, the failures and the triumphs. Soak up every second of the experience and truly grow as a writer.