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Great Tips on How to Establish Your Brand as a Writer!

Being a writer is more than just writing a book. It also entails that you know how to market your book to the literary world. So if you want to be a truly professional and successful writer, you will have to think more like a businessman. You will have to know how to establish your brand as a writer. Of course it’s not as easy as you think. New books and authors come out of the woodwork every day. So if you want to make your mark on the book publishing industry you will need to be able to establish your brand as a writer. Here are some great tips.

  1. Form a book marketing strategy

Before you even think of releasing your book, it is always a good idea to form a book marketing strategy. That way once you do release your book, you will have a clear cut plan. There is nothing more dangerous than starting a book marketing campaign without a strategy. It would be like going to war without a weapon. And seeing as the book marketing arena is a very brutal one, you will have to be as strategic as possible.

First things first, you should know who you are marketing your book to. Knowing your target market will allow you to make a more focused book marketing strategy. That way once you do start your book marketing campaign, you will no longer have to waste time and money on audiences that are not interested in your work. Secondly, having a book marketing strategy will allow you to conduct your book marketing campaign more smoothly without any snags or mistakes. Overall, having a book marketing strategy will help you save money and reach a wider audience in the long run.

  1. Use Social Media heavily

If you want to establish your brand as a writer in this day and age, it is very important that you know how to use social media heavily. This is because social media is the most widely used media form and a multitude of people use it day in and day out. So it is a good idea to use social media heavily in your book marketing. Here are some great ways you can use social media to establish your brand as a writer.

  1. Find a way to stand out from your competition

When you establish a brand, you are not only selling your book. You are also selling yourself as an author. You are trying to convince readers that you are someone worth following.  In many ways you are looking at the long run, because you are trying to make a fan base rather than just selling a book. Which is why it is important that you find a way to stand out from your competition.

So it is important that you show readers what type of author you are and what they should expect from you. Of course you should not just follow the usual tropes and trends of book marketing. Forge your own path as an author. Here are some tips that will help you stand out from your competition.

  1. Establish your reputation as a writer early

Aside from having a book marketing strategy, it is also important that you establish your reputation as a writer. This is the foundation point from which you can establish your brand as a writer. The better your reputation, the more likely you will be able to gain a fan base. And the more fans you have the easier it will be for you to sell your books. So as early as possible it is important that you establish yourself as a writer to be followed.

  1. Think long term

When it comes to establishing your brand as a writer, the one thing you should always remember is that you will always be on uneven ground. This is because the book publishing industry is a volatile and unpredictable arena. So there is really no guarantee that your book will succeed. So it is better if you think long term. Don’t think of it as just selling just one book. Instead, think of it as a progression of your career as a writer. That way, should your book fail or should you face unforeseen difficulties you will be able to keep going. Thinking long term will allow you to reach your full potential as a writer.