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Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Publish A Book!

As a writer, one of your most fervent and cherished dreams would most likely be to write a book of your very own. It’s understandable, many a writer has harbored dreams of publishing their very own books since childhood. And publishing a book of your very own is like a culmination of years of practicing your craft. But before you jump into the book writing process you should know a few things about the publishing process. Here are a few questions you should ask before you publish a book of your very own.

Although it may seem a bit too simple, this question is in truth quite deep. What are you writing a book for? Some people will write for money, while other people write for fame or their own vanity. But before you start on the writing process, you should know what you are writing for. This will act as a bulwark against the obstacles you will face in the future and as justification for why you are working so hard on this book.  Your reasons for writing a book can also stem from why you took up writing in the first place. Are you writing for pure artistic reasons? For financial security? For your legacy? Knowing why you are writing a book in the first place will help you to strengthen your resolve and be more immersed in the writing process.

If there is one thing you should know about publishing a book of your very own, is that it is hard work. It is very time consuming and will take a great deal of work and not to mention money. And there is also the uncertainty of success when you do release your book. All in all publishing a book takes a great deal of work and you will be tested throughout the entire process. So before you think of writing a book of your very own, you should strengthen your resolve and make sure that you are in it for the long run. Because if not, you are just wasting your money and time on a futile venture.

Yet another thing you should straighten out before you begin the writing process, is to find the right publishing option. It can get quite difficult if you finish your manuscript and not have a publishing option ready. So before you even think of writing your manuscript, you should already decide on a publishing option that will fit your schedule and budget.

The usual and most used publishing option is traditional publishing. This is because traditional publishing is historically the most successful and popular publishing option. Some authors even consider it as the only publishing option. Getting a deal with a traditional publishing, especially an established one, is a big deal. This is because the publishing house will publish your manuscript for you. This will also include the marketing phase and you will not have to spend a dime during the whole process. The setback of publishing with a traditional publishing house is the fact that it is quite difficult to get a publishing deal. Some authors wait and tweak their manuscripts countless times just to get a publishing deal and yet still have a difficult time getting a deal. There is also the fact that you will have to give up a majority of your creative rights and a portion of your book royalties to the company.

For those who prefer a more straightforward and hands on approach, then self-publishing is a good option. With this option, authors can have overall control of their manuscript and get to keep all the royalties for their books. They also have access to self-publishing companies to give them much needed advice and services. Self-publishing companies such as BookVenture Publishing offers great services at the best prices possible. The only setback with self-publishing is that you will have to have a bulk sum in order to finance the publishing process yourself. All in all though the choice is up to you. But you should choose your publishing option as carefully as possible because your choice can make or break your career as a writer.

This is by far one of the most important things you can ask yourself during the entire publishing process. This is because you can write the best book in the world, but if you don’t have the means to market it then no one will be able to read your work. So it is imperative that you decide how you market your book. This is especially important if you are a self-published author because you will be the one financing your work. Traditional book marketing such as radio advertisements and magazine ads are not an option because they are just too expensive. Which means you will have to look for more affordable book marketing methods. Luckily there are a lot of great and affordable book marketing methods open to you. And you won’t have to spend a fortune to use any of them. One great marketing method is to use social media to create a buzz around your book. Through your Facebook and Twitter accounts you can post advertisements and Tweets about your book release. You can also create an author blog for your work and post excerpts of your work and create a rapport with fellow authors. An author blog is also a great way to create a fan base for your work. The best thing about this method is that they are highly efficient and quite affordable for any author starting out.

If you want your book to sell, it is always important to have a fan base. A fan base is what will keep your book afloat once you release it. So before you even think of releasing your book, make sure to cultivate a fan base. Luckily you can cultivate a fan base even before you release or even start writing about your book. You can do so by writing for online publications that are in the same genre. By writing great articles and short stories for these publications, you are technically making a name for yourself as a writer. You can also contribute to online forums and release great content through your author blog. That way you can create a rapport with potential readers and ultimately cultivate a fan base for your book once you release it.

By asking yourself these questions you will at least know if you are truly ready to publish your own book. Don’t get pressured into writing a book, just because it’s always been your dream. Instead, you should look at the book writing process from an unemotional point of view. Make sure that you are ready emotionally, financially and mentally for the task before you set out on such an endeavor.