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Great Tips on Having a Balanced Life as a Writer!

Being a writer can be quite a challenge. This is because it will take a great deal of your time. And if you are not careful, it will swallow all of your time and leave you a stressed out wreck. So before you go off and write a book, it is important that you know how to maintain balance in your writing life and your personal life. That way, you will be able to pursue your writing career without losing your passion for writing in the process. Here are some great tips on having a balanced life as a writer.

  1. Take your time

One of the worst things you can do as a writer is to rush the process. Sadly a lot of writers are doing this because they think it might be too late for them. But what you should know is that there is honestly no reason to rush the process. This is because you don’t need youth or vitality to be a good writer. In fact the more life experiences you have, the better. There are a lot of young writers who have gained recognition for their work. But that does not mean you have to rush your own process. Understand that every writer has his or her moment. So take your time to cultivate your skills and enjoy the process. Remember that writing is not a race and you are not competing with anyone. So just stay still and write as much as you want. And if you feel that you are ready, then publish a book, but never feel pressured to do it before you are ready. You will just end up with a lot of debt and disappointment if you do.

  1. Have your priorities straight

There are many reasons why people become writers. Some become writers just for the sheer joy of it. While some write because they want to educate people. While others want to gain fame and money for their work.  All these reasons are ok, what’s important is that you have your priorities straight. If you don’t have your priorities straight and get started on the book publishing process, you will not have a bulwark against the harsh realities of being an author. Knowing your priorities will give you a sense of purpose that will make the writing process more enjoyable and fulfilling.

  1. Find the best publishing option for yourself

If you do feel that you’re ready to jump into the book publishing process, it is very important that you find the right publishing option for yourself. Some would be authors jump into the publishing process without a plan and soon end up very disappointed. So before you go out and publish a book, you should know your best publishing options. That way once you do start, you will know what you are doing and not get frustrated. If you are a new writer, there are two favorable publishing options you can choose from. Here are a few things you should know about the two.

This is considerably the oldest and most reliable form of publishing. A great many authors were able to publish their work through this form of publishing. It is also the least costly because the traditional book publishing houses usually pay for a majority of the publishing process. And seeing as traditional publishing houses also have effective and efficient connections in the publishing industry, book marketing will be a whole lot easier. The only setback here is the fact that traditional publishing houses are notoriously difficult to get a deal with. So if you are thinking of getting a publishing deal with a traditional publishing house, then you should be ready for a lot of rejection and waiting.

Decades ago self-publishing was never really considered as an option because it was too expensive and unpredictable. Authors had to risk spending a fortune and printing out copies of their work only for the copies to decay in storage if they were not successful. But nowadays self-publishing is a whole lot more viable. With the rise of print on demand services and more mainstream and efficient book marketing services on hand, self-publishing has become a truly realistic option. Not only that, self-publishing companies such as BookVenture Publishing have begun to rise and have been offering great self-publishing packages to boot. The only set back with self-publishing is that it can still be a bit work intensive and expensive. So if you are going with this option, you had better have a budget for it.

Overall, when you do choose your book publishing option, pick out the best for you. It is your time and money that you will be using on this endeavor. So think things through and choose which one is best for your publishing needs.

  1. Don’t be a loner

Being a writer is considered a somewhat solitary profession. And it is understandable why. The writing process is usually a solitary process because no one else can write your book for you. But this does not mean you can’t include others in the process. You can include family and friends during the writing process because your family and friends are your first audience. So you can show them your very first drafts and ask them for their honest opinions. They are also your very first fan base and most likely your very first book sales. All in all, having family and friends to help you will not only make the writer’s life more bearable, but even more enjoyable in the long run.

  1. Take some time off from the writing process

Aside from including your family and friends in the writing process, one other thing you should know is when to take a break. The writing process is truly enjoyable and fulfilling work. But in the long run it will wear you out. So it is imperative that you know your limits and know when to take some time off. This does not mean that you walk away from the writing process. It just means that you take the time to enjoy other activities. Spend time with family, go on a vacation or take up another hobby. Being a writer does not mean you should be a lonely hermit. Go out and enjoy your life. Experience new things. In the end these experiences will make you an even better writer.

  1. Enjoy yourself

As cliché as this may sound this is in fact the most important advice you can get. This is because no matter how good you are as a writer, and no matter how much you want to succeed as a writer it will all be for naught if you don’t enjoy yourself. Skill and desire can only get you so far. But if you truly want to succeed you will need to truly love your work. Enjoy every aspect of it, the good the bad and the ugly. To be a writer is a privilege, because you can create entire worlds with just your imagination and words. So always remember to enjoy the writing process no matter what.