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6 Great Tips That Will Compel You to Write More This Year!

With every start of the year, many an author makes a promise to write more this year. To be more active this year. And to finally get started on writing a book of their own.

But sadly, not all writers have the drive nor the compulsion to go out and reach their full potential. So if you want to write more this year, don’t just talk about. You should really go out and do it. But you will need a plan before you do.

Here are 6 great ways to compel yourself to write more this year:

  1. Have a writing schedule

If you want to be more productive as a writer this year, you should really have a writing schedule. A writing schedule is a way for you to make your writing sessions more ordered and frequent. Your writing schedule can be early in the morning, or in the afternoon or late in the evening.

In truth, your schedule depends solely on you. What’s important is that you can stay with your schedule consistently and that it does not come into conflict with your other responsibilities.

  1. Join a writing community

Aside from having a writing schedule, yet another way to jumpstart your desire to write is to join a writing community. By joining a writing community you are given access to a myriad of great writing advice and other things such as health and fitness tips for writers.

You will also be able to communicate with fellow authors, some of which are longtime writers who can give you great advice on writing a book of your very own. There are a multitude of online writing communities that you can join, or you can search or even start a writing community in your neighborhood.

All in all, by joining a writing community, you are basically getting emotional and technical support that will help you reach your full writing potential.

  1. Have a journal

Yet another way to increase your passion for writing is to keep a journal. Although journal writing may seem a bit old fashioned and cliché, it is in truth quite effective.

This is because having a journal not only compels you to write about your life, it also helps improve your writing skills in the long run. Just consider your daily journal writing as a warm up before you start on your writing sessions.

  1. Make your very own author blog

In this day and age, writers are given a great deal more opportunities to develop their skills. One such opportunity is the chance to set up an author blog of your very own. It is an opportunity because an author blog is a great platform where you can post examples of your work.

By having your very own author blog, you are given the chance to show off your writing skills and create a fan base at the same time. You are also given the chance to get much needed advice and feedback from readers. But best of all, the chance to show off your work to the world will also compel you to write even more content.

  1. Give yourself deadlines

Although many people usually look upon deadlines negatively, they can be quite useful if used properly. One of the main problems that writers have when trying to write is that they tend to procrastinate. They always feel that there is always time to write a book or finish a story that they started on.

And before they know it a whole year has passed and they have nothing to show for it. So if you want to truly utilize your time wisely, it is always a good idea to set a deadline for yourself. This will not only compel you to write more, but to also stay consistent with your writing projects.

  1. Give it your all

You can get all the best tips and advice on how to be a more productive writer. But if you don’t fully commit to it, you will not really get anywhere. This is why, as early as New Year’s Day you should make a decision.

You should decide to give the writing process your all. You should refrain from making excuses or skipping on writing sessions. Instead, you should fully invest yourself into reaching your full writing potential. Only by doing so will you have any chance of success.